Ever so slowly Dakota Territory is being transformed from a vast prairie into rich farmland. With the coming of the railroad, the small town of Blessing begins to prosper, and the Bjorklund family is reaping the promised harvest that had lured them from their beloved home in Norway. But for Ingeborg and Haakan, realizing their dreams will not come without a struggle. After their own fields are harvested, Haakan and the neighboring men take the steam engine and the separator on the road, threshing for other homesteaders in return for a portion of their grain. With Haakan away and the fields standing idle, Ingeborg frets over work yet to be done. Fearing an early change of seasons, she takes matters into her own hands. Has the land become more important to Ingeborg than her own family?
Great book, great series...Period.
I have read all the books in this series and all the books in the sequel series. Ms. Snelling is one of my favorite authors and this is one of my favorite books. I have rad every book numerous times and would recommend them for anyone. Ms. Snelling knows real-life situations that pertained to the late 1800s and writes about them. I personally believe "A reader from Alberta, Canada" must have only skimmed the book and I suggest that she get her facts straight.
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