SHOCKING! Londons belle of the ball, Susannah Makepeace, is the last person who should suddenly be stuck in the sleepy village of Barnstable. In town, she would never have seen a man swimming naked in a pond. And she certainly would have resisted the urge to draw every single bit of him in astonishing detail! SIZZLING! Very few people know that Viscount Kit Whitelaw is the best spy in His Majestys secret service. But his high-flying life has finally banished him from London. Not to worry#151;if Susannahs erotic sketches are any indication of her nature, shell be a delicious stand-in for the thrill of espionage. SCANDALOUS! When odd accidents follow in Susannahs wake, Kits spy senses start tingling. For what better mystery is there for Englands greatest spy than the secrets of the delectable puzzle that is Susannah?
Engaging and fun
Likeable characters, adventure, suspense, and love. All in a well put together package. Recommended.
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