Dorothy Parker Award Of Excellence, Honorable Mention--Favorite Mystery/Suspense Winner--Word Weaving Award Of Excellence Raseys most blood-chilling, hair-raising, and heart-pounding tale to date. Deputy Detective KC Tanner guards his private life much the same as his Doberman, Zappa, guards his home. Hes content to live a life of solitude, hiding behind the wall hes carefully constructed around himself. Trouble is Sharalee MacArthur, stuck in a fantasy world of her own making, still envisions KC as the man she will one day marry. That is until reality shatters his isolation and dashes her hopes, and a madman running lose in their homey little community has KC and Shar running for their lives... [Genres: Suspense / Thriller / Romantic Suspense / Romantic Thriller]
Façade: The front part of anything: often used figuratively, with implications of an imposing appearance concealing something inferior.
Be afraid, be very afraid! There is a killer on the loose and you had better hope that you have nothing in your past that may lead him your way. No matter what appearance you may present, he knows what is beneath that FACADE.
To wander down the streets of Pine Knot, Kentucky you would think it was another quaint little southern town. The people seem to live their lives much the same as any other small town. But beneath the FAÇADE, lives another world. A world of, secrets, lies, deception, and horror.
Deputy Detective KC Tanner is perfectly happy living his life as a confirmed bachelor. He is content living alone in his house with his Doberman, Zappa, and doing his job as a detective with the Sheriffs Department of McCreary County.
All of this, however, is being threatened by the sheriff's daughter, Sharalee MacArthur, who is determined to live out her childhood fantasy of her love for him. KC is doing everything he can possibly do to thwart Shar's advances, but it is getting more and more difficult as she is no longer the little girl he remembers. She came home from college a beautiful young woman. A young woman who will not leave him alone, although the age difference is too great in KC's mind. Not to mention that KC's best, and only friend, is Shar's father, Sheriff Mike MacArthur, known to all as Mac.
People are being murdered in the most horrendous ways. Ways that could possibly only mean revenge. But revenge for what? There has to be a common denominator that links these people together, and KC is determined to find out what that common denominator is.
At the same time KC has to convince Shar that he is not the man for her. He even takes to talking to the local minister of the church, Pastor Thomas Jackson about Shar, his physical attraction to her, and his past life, including the secret that he has kept. But it seems that no matter what KC does, Shar will just not give up. Finally he manages to drive her into the arms of another man, Sidney Kurtz. Very much to KC's surprise, seeing them together bothers him a lot.
However, KC doesn't have time to reflect on his unhappiness with Shar and Sidney being together, he has to solve the murders that are happening, and he has to do it soon before another one happens.
What is behind these murders? The common link seems to be Mac's dead wife, Alison Mac Arthur, Shar's mother. But who and what is the reason for this? Alison has been dead for almost twenty years. What is the secret that seems to be eluding KC? And who is behind all of this? He has to find out soon.
Ms. Rasey certainly has come up with a winner in FAÇADE. I could not put this book down. It had me completely absorbed until the last shocking pages. I had to find out what was going to happen in both the personal lives of the characters, as well as who was going to be killed next, and why. FAÇADE is completely addictive from the first page.
Ms. Rasey has created multi-faceted characters, and at the same time she has created a
super fast moving plot. She has captured the world of lies, deceit, intrigue, and revenge. FAÇADE is definitely a must read for its chilling account of the murders, the investigation, and the secrets that caused them. At the same time bringing into this horrific, and terrifying world love, friendship, and trust. It is amazing how she has managed to have two opposite plots run concurrently and mixed together to bring about a story that completely hypnotizes the reader.
FAÇADE is not only a spine-tingling murder mystery that will leave feeling cold to the bones, it is also a love story that will leave you completely breathless. FACADE is a wonderful example of Ms. Rasey's talent to blend spine tingling terror and suspense, with warm and sexy romance and love.
FACADE will keep you guessing. Even if you are clever enough to figure out who did it, which I don't think you will, you still won't believe the dynamite ending. It will leave you completely emotionally drained.
FAÇADE most definitely proves the old adage: What goes around comes around. And in this case when it comes around, it is deadly.
I definitely recommend that you get a copy of FAÇADE, take it home and lock the doors, turn up the lights, and settle in for a full night of terrific suspense, murder, and love. All mixed up in a great story that will leave you completely satisfied that you have visited the world of FAÇADE. You cannot miss with this wonderful book.
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