Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Thinking for a New Millennium by Richard A.Slaughter - Essential Primer for Design Thinking

In this book, Richard Slaughter draws on the relatively new but rapidly developing field of futures studies to illustrate how our thinking must change in order to deal with the challenges presented by the new millennium. In doing so he brings together the latest work from some of the leading international names in futures thinking.

Essential Primer for Design Thinking
Edward de Bono is one of the leading thinkers in creativity. His system and philosophy of thinking, creativity and design deserve larger audiences. He makes many excellent points about the difference between logic and creativity, the former ruled by judgement and analysis, the latter guided by openness, directed thinking and what he refers to as "movement". Creative thinking can be taught in a very methodical way, and these specific methods are available and detailed in other of de Bono's works. That creative thinknig can be taught runs counter to the popular notion that creativity is the purview of a few special souls; instead de Bono teaches that creative thinking can be taught to the young and old, and even to the illiterate.

I took copious notes as de Bono's book is filled with important teachings and insights regarding creativity. Although some may find these self-evident and obvious, the fact is that we operate and think as if they are uncommon sense. For example, "A desing is not a design unless it delivers value." Obvious? Perhaps, but how many IT projects have failed to deliver value in terms of efficiency or improved analysis and decision making, or simply in ease of use? Or how about, "The main reason things do not improve is that there does not seem to be any need for improvement." which is a version of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." This makes sense on a certain level, particularly if there are other priorities and limited resources; however, this complacency means that we miss out on many opportunitis for delivering better value.

When I read de Bono's works I am always motivated to implement his thinking tools to both work and life problems and situations. Read this and I believe you will do the same.

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