Friday, October 7, 2011

Circadian Physiology by Ph.D., Roberto Refinetti - First choice as a scientific introduction to circadian rhythms

While the first edition of the critically acclaimed and highly popular Circadian Physiologyoffered a concise but rigorous review of basic and applied research on circadian rhythms, this newest edition provides educators with the primary textbook they need to support a course on this cutting-edge topic. Maintaining the same accessible multidisciplinary approach of the original, this volume provides a thorough grounding in a broad range of topics, while offering instructors many unique advantages. 

This impressive handbook provides the foundation, along with the supplementary material, and all the implementation details necessary to run a cutting-edge class on an exceptionally timely and intriguing topic.

This edition of Circadian Physiologynot only updates the material covered in the original, but it also expands its length and scope, presenting many new findings, such as the discovery of new retinal photoreceptors, the identification of several non-hypothalamic circadian pacemakers, and the elucidation of genomic and proteomic mechanisms of biological timing. Three times the length of the original, this volume includes approximately 730 figures and 5,000 bibliographic references, making it a true handbook of circadian physiology.

First choice as a scientific introduction to circadian rhythms
The book is great. It is written for educated lay readers (such as college students) and may not please readers looking for a self-help type of book, but it is as readable as a fully-referenced book can be. It thoroughly covers the science of circadian rhythms. By the way, as the author points out in his comment on this blog, Amazon is mixing the comments about the first and second editions. The comment that "J. Barr" makes about the lack of a glossary refers to the first edition; the second edition has a full dictionary that includes information on etymology and pronunciation! This book (second edition) is my first choice as a thorough scientific introduction to circadian rhythms.

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