Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Mother Told Me! Why Didnt Your Mother Tell you? by Machina Ervin - Tyest

This Book is written to help guide you through times that may be tough and it doesnt look like there is any light at the end of the tunnel. I wrote this book to help you in places where parents may have forgotten to tell you. This book it designed to help you grow and change. You can read this book today and come back to it tomorrow. This book is an quick and easy read but its effective! So join me on this journey to change your life! So you can live your best life!

Thank You!


Machina Ervin

Life can be challenging at times, but what's so AWESOME is being able to have books like My Mother told me, Why didn't your Mother tell you? to guide you through obstacles, that may not be easily recognized because we are so conditioned to making the same mistakes over and over again! This book will help you recognize unhealthy patterns, address self-esteem issues, makes better choices, and regain your self worth. It is a down to earth guide to getting your life back on track.

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