Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Encyclopaedia of Japanese Business and Management by Allan Bird - An Excellent Reference

Reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of this field, this volume consolidates and contextualizes the leading research and knowledge about the Japanese business system and Japanese management thought and practice. This definitive reference work for the exploration of Japanese business and management will be valuable to scholars and students alike as an essential resource for teaching, an invaluable companion to independent study, and a solid starting point for wider exploration.
Entries include:
* Bubble Economy
* Dual Structure Theory
* Industrial Efficiency Movement
* Japanese Business in the U.S.
* Just-In-Time
* Kaizen * Lifetime Employment
* Mitsubishi Corporation
* Quality Control Circles
* Total Productive Management
* and many more.

An Excellent Reference
This book is the most comprehensive reference I have seen on Japanese business related topics. Entries cover business history, leaders, management, technology, and company profiles. The authors appear to be well informed and up-to-date on what is happening in Japan, the writing is concise and the citations are helpful for research. I highly recommed this as a must-have reference for anyone interested in Japan and/or global business.

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Buy Encyclopaedia of Japanese Business and Management by Allan Bird At The Lowest Price!


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