The return of Americas greatest cowboyHewey Calloway, the best-loved cowboy in all of Western fiction, returns in this novel of his younger years. In 1889, Hewey and his beloved brother Walter leave the family farm to find work in the West Texas cow country.When Walter falls in love with a boarding-house girl and begins dreaming of a farmers life, the fiddle-footed Hewey, content to work for six bits (seventy-five cents) a day, jumps at the chance to rescue him from this fate worse than death. He takes his brother on a mission for boss C.C. Tarpley, driving six hundred head of cattle from beyond San Antonio to the Double-C ranch on the Pecos.Heweys natural propensity for getting into jams makes the journey memorable and dangerous...and when the drovers return to the Pecos, they find Boss Tarpley in the midst of a range feud with a neighboring cowman.The events of Six Bits a Day precede those of Keltons bestselling The Good Old Boys (transformed into the memorable movie starring Tommy Lee Jones and Sissy Spacek) and The Smiling Country.
Huey's view of the west
Reading Round-Up
For this month's book, I'm recommending Six Bits a Day, by Elmer Kelton. This is the prequel to the story I told you about last month, The Good Old Boys. The same two main characters Huey and Walter Calloway are portrayed in this story as hardworking, cattle driving cowboys set on the ranches and ranges of west Texas. As always, Huey is easy going, fun loving, and doesn't care about saving a dime. His brother Walter, however, has matrimonial aims to settle down with a good woman and claim his own piece of land. Huey does his best to distract Walter from his goals by signing the two of them on to drive six hundred head of cattle back to C.C. Tarpley's Pecos River ranch. Huey's aim is to pull Walter away from the distraction of the branding fire stoked by the sweet girl who lives in the boarding house. Range wars, murderers and conniving saboteurs are out to snatch the cattle away before Huey and Walter can deliver them to C.C.'s spread.--Robin Moore
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