Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER II DAG DAUGHTRY strolled along the beach, Michael at his heels or running circles of delight around him at every repetition of that strange low lip- noise, and paused just outside the circle of lantern light where dusky forms laboured with landing cargo from the whaleboats and where the Commissioners clerk and. the Makambos supercargo still wrangled over the bill of lading. When Michael would have gone forward, the man withstrained him with the same inarticulate, almost inaudible, kiss. For Daughtry did not care to be seen on such dog- stealing enterprise and was planning how to get oa board the steamer unobserved. He edged around outside the lantern shine and went on along the beach to the native village. As he had foreseen, all the able- bodied men were down at the boat-landing working cargo. The grass houses seemed lifeless, but at last, from one of them, came a challenge in the querulous, high-pitched tones of age: What name? Me walk about plenty too much, he replied in the beche de mer English of the West South Pacific. Me belong along steamer. Supposem you takem me along canoe, washee-washee, me givem you fella boy two stick tobacco. Supposem you givem me ten stick, all right along me, came the reply. Me givem five stick. the six-quart steward bar- gained. Supposem you no likem five stick then you fella boy go to hell close up. There was a silence. You likem five stick? Daughtry insisted of the dark interior. Me likem, the darkness answered, and through the darkness the body that owned the voice approached with such strange sounds that the steward lighted a match to see. A blear-eyed ancient stood before him, balancing on a single crutch. His eyes were half-filmed over by a growth of morbid membrane...
Michael, the brilliant Irish Terrier - a must read for dog lovers
I happened across this book while looking for stories about Irish Terriers. I wouldn't normally read Jack London; his stories always seemed more to my brother's liking. However, this book quickly grabbed me because a lot of it is written from the dog's perspective. And those passages are spot on. Michael reminded me so much of my own Irish Terrier and how he thinks and reasons. It really got to my heart. When I finished reading, I made a donation to the ASPCA. And although I don't know much about Jack London, I'd bet he had an Irish Terrier himself, for sure.
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