Java, undoubtedly, has its roots in embedded systems and the Web. Nevertheless, it is a fully functional high-level programming language that can provide users with a wide range of functionality and versatility. This thoroughly cross-reviewed state-of-the-art survey is devoted to the study of the syntax and semantics of Java from a formal-methods point of view. It consists of the following chapters by leading researchers: Formal Grammar for Java; Describing the Semantics of Java and Proving Type Soundness; Proving Java Type Soundness; Machine-Checking the Java Specification: Proving Type-Safety; An Event-Based Structural Operational Semantics of Multi-Threaded Java Dynamic Denotational Semantics of Java; A Programmers Reduction Semantics for Classes and Mixins; A Formal Specification of Java Virtual Machine Instructions for Objects, Methods and Subroutines; The Operational Semantics of a Java Secure Processor; A Programmer Friendly Modular Definition of the Semantics of Java.
Excellent for Computer Scientists
Not for programmers. With a highly theoretical content. Knowledge on Formal notation is required (logic, inference, et al). It could be useful for comercial compiler implementation or comercial JVM implemetation. It covers: Java Formal Grammar, Type Soundness and Type Safety proofs,and so on. Have a lot of bibliography.
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