As though blowing oxygen upon the dying embers of a fire, pastor Jim Cymbala revived a broken-down church in a rough-shod inner-city neighborhood through Christian faith. Twenty-five years ago, the Brooklyn Tabernacle could barely draw 26 people to a Sunday service. Nowadays the congregation is 6,000 strong--filled with converted prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts, and homeless people, as well as yuppies and wholesome families. Although hes quick to give God credit for this miraculous success story, Cymbala admits that there may be a few human decisions that led to this Christian triumph. Most significantly, he made sure his church community embraced everyone, from all walks of life--no matter how distasteful or foreign. Christians often hesitate to reach out to those who are different, according to Cymbala. They want God to clean the fish before they catch them. If someones gold ring is attached to an unusual body part, if the person doesnt smell the best or the skin color is not the same, Christians tend to hesitate. Thus, Cymbala encouraged his congregation to adopt the very same tolerant and accepting attitude as their God does. The results? Lets just say a church thrives in Brooklyn. Accomplished cowriter Dean Merrill helps this tender true story stay satisfying and highly readable.
--Gail Hudson Amazing strories of the power of prayer
This is a book we read last month at my church. What an amazing experience it was to lay hands on this book. I was amazed, not that I do not know that prayer changes things (since I have prayed for things in my life to change and they did change), but I was just amazed at a church body lead by an amazing man of God that could bring forth such testimonies. A church that moved from 20 to thousands, testimony of God saving lives, Testimonies of feeding the homeless (the actually life God wants us to leave), testimonies of transformation. You know there are certain things we have to pray through until the situation changes.... this book gives us examples of how the prayer meetings and crying out to God brings out great results. This is a book everyone should read... whether Christian or not..the kind of Christian attitude in this book will help save the world if we all had such an attitude. A MUST READ! Buy a copy for friends, co-workers and family! God bless you Jim Cymbala
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