Trying to Remember is a stirring and intimate memoir recounting one familys struggle with the debilitating effects of Alzheimers on a remarkable woman, Betty Nicholas, and the hope that comes from choosing to remember. Bettys was a troubled life redeemed by hope. A child of the Great Depression, Betty suffered the death of her sister as a child, violation by her brother, her husband off at war, and multiple miscarriages—but remained filled with compassion for over fifty-three years of married life. Its poetry is at once accessible and elegant, creating a moving experience for the reader. This is the story of what Betty remembered, what she forgot, and what those around her remember for her. As she disappears into Alzheimers, her family learns a great deal more about who she was and what they loved most about her. Trying to Remember is her story of unwavering hope—and theirs.
Laugh and cry at the same time
How can you laugh and cry about Alzheimer's at the same time? You can if Anne Crossman is sharing her experiences about her grandmother. I never knew what families go through when a loved one is afflicted with this dread disease. Now I do. Don't let the word "poetry" scare you. It just means the sentences are shorter and the whole thing is more fun to read ... and re-read.
Beverly McCord
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