Monday, July 4, 2011

Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses by David Frawley - Inner workings of the real Tantra

Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses is an excellent introduction to the essence of Hindu Tantrism. The author discusses all the major concepts and offers valuable corrections for many existing misconceptions. He also introduces the reader to the core Tantric practices of meditation and mantra recitation, focusing on the ten Wisdom Goddesses states Georg Feuerstein.

Inner workings of the real Tantra
For those who are interested in purchasing this book, I would recommend using the 'Search inside this book' feature. The contents pages alone made me want to get this book. Now let me just add, for those who are looking for the usual pop culture, westernised, multiply your orgasms and awaken your kundalini in no time flat, new age Tantra; don't expect this here. This book is for those who have gone through all of this and desire the real stuff. Yes you'll only get from this book according to where you are at. As far as I'm concerned, this book contains a great mystery. No wonder George Feuerstein, in the Forward chapter of this book, rebukes Dr. David Frawley for spilling the beans on such gems of hidden wisdom.

For those who have made the connection with the divine feminine and the kundalini, this book gives such profound inner wisdom as from the original Vedic tradition. There is a wonderful section at the back of this book which reveals that "Hinduism and Buddhism are two formulations of the same yogic tradition, differing in approach, but not in essence". This for the main part is also inclusive of the Ten Wisdom Goddesses, as described by Dr. David Frawley. The ten wisdom Goddesses are not Pagan Goddesses of the Hindu or Buddhist religion of a by gone era. Sadly this was my misconception for many years and even worse. No the Ten Wisdom Goddesses, as described in this book, are different emanations of the divine feminine aspect of God; more importantly, they are aspects of the divine feminine within each of us.

So why does Kali hold a sword in her hands? What are the yantras and mantras associated with each of the 10 forms of the wisdom Goddesses? What are tejas, ojas and Prana; and how does one go about balancing these in an effort to correctly awaken the Kundalini? This book gives the answers to these questions and more.

For those familiar with Samael Aun Woer, I have been told that he stated near to the end of his earthly existence, that the profoundness of the Divine Feminine has been overlooked and underestimated in the esoteric work. It only makes sense to me to further understand the truth of his words by investigating and understanding who and what the divine mother is, in all her intricacies. This book by Dr. David Frawley is a profound work to help in this investigation. I can only thank him for condensing this information and for revealing such hidden secrets to us in the West.

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