Watch for flying pigs: heres a weight-loss plan thats sensible and simple. And for those of you who can only think of bacon when the word pig is mentioned, prepare to go hog wild: the Volumetrics plan is designed to let you indulge in your favorite goodies every now and then, so youre much more likely to stick to the program. Developed by a nutritionist who has worked with the National Institutes of Health, the
Volumetrics plan focuses on foods that are low in energy density. In other words, fruits, vegetables, and soups—all high in water content—are low in energy density, and therefore allowed in greater quantities. These foods tend to be more filling, so you eat less—and thats how easy weight loss can result. Author Barbara Rolls includes forms for charting ones daily food intake and weight-loss progress, as well as dozens of tempting recipes for the likes of Risotto Primavera and Chicken Fajita Pizza. After years of watching friends remove the buns from their hamburgers and banish croutons from their salads, its nice to see common sense making a comeback. --
Erica Jorgensen Diet without diet.
I really like the book. The recipes are delicious and similar to my cooking style. With little effort and little changes I've got the whole family diet and health under control.
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